
Modul school Nanjing

Academic office:Helen Yan

Tel:+86 025 66205178


Orientation Day
Time Posted 2020-10-06
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Birthday, Coming Day and Us
Time Posted 2020-10-10
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Love You with My Youth
Time Posted 2020-09-30
We move forward as unit
We boil our blood
We keep our dream young
And we sail again with hope
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We move forward as unit
We boil our blood
We keep our dream young
And we sail again with hope
Scholarship Winners of IHD 2019-2020
Time Posted 2020-09-26
Announcement of scholarship winners of International Hospitality and Dietary Culture College in 2019-2020 academic year.
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Announcement of scholarship winners of International Hospitality and Dietary Culture College in 2019-2020 academic year.
The Era of Smart Hotel is Upcoming Comprehensively in the future
At two p.m., March 13, 2019, students and teachers of the HFEC reached Suning Novotel in Xuanwu Lake, Nanjing, and received the warm welcome from Ms. Sunny, the manager of the Training Department.
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At two p.m., March 13, 2019, students and teachers of the HFEC reached Suning Novotel in Xuanwu Lake, Nanjing, and received the warm welcome from Ms. Sunny, the manager of the Training Department.
FHS in Beijing
Time Posted 2018-11-06
Between 10.9 to 10.12 in 2018 , I went to Beijing to attend the ‘Future Hoteliers Summit’ as one of the representatives of our school. I have gained a lot of experience to share with you.
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Between 10.9 to 10.12 in 2018 , I went to Beijing to attend the ‘Future Hoteliers Summit’ as one of the representatives of our school. I have gained a lot of experience to share with you.
Appointment ceremony of adjunct professor of IHD college
We are pleased to announce an official appointment of the Dr. Alastair Morrison who joined International Hospitality and Dietary Culture College as an adjunct professor on March 30th.
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We are pleased to announce an official appointment of the Dr. Alastair Morrison who joined International Hospitality and Dietary Culture College as an adjunct professor on March 30th.
Talk show
Time Posted 2018-09-11
此次受聘的兼职教授是来自美国普渡大学酒店与旅游管理学院的终身教授,现任《国际旅游城市期刊》联席主编、英国格林威治大学(伦敦)客座教授Alastair Morrison博士。显然,Alastair Morrison博士是国际旅游学界的大咖,在旅游和酒店管理两个专业的理论和实践方面均有丰硕建树。
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此次受聘的兼职教授是来自美国普渡大学酒店与旅游管理学院的终身教授,现任《国际旅游城市期刊》联席主编、英国格林威治大学(伦敦)客座教授Alastair Morrison博士。显然,Alastair Morrison博士是国际旅游学界的大咖,在旅游和酒店管理两个专业的理论和实践方面均有丰硕建树。
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