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Modul school Nanjing

Academic office:Andy Wang

Tel:+86 025 66205178


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History and Values


MODUL University Vienna is an international private university in Austria owned by the Vienna Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the largest provider of private education in Austria. The university campus is located on Kahlenberg, a scenic hill with a spectacular view of the capital of Austria. The MODUL brand stands for more than 100 years of excellence in education.

Founded in 1908, tourism college Modul is the vocational training school with the longest tradition in tourism and hospitality education worldwide. Since 2007, MODUL University Vienna has been offering cutting-edge education (BBA, BSc, MSc, MBA, and PhD study programs) in the areas of international management, new media technology, public governance, sustainable development, hotel management, and tourism and hospitality management.

The research and educational programs at MODUL University Vienna focus on future-oriented strategies that satisfy the needs and ensure the welfare of current and future generations. The university provides answers to economic, environmental and social questions in conjunction with the demand for sustainable economic development and corresponding strategies. Graduates of MODUL University Vienna value people’s ideas and creativity and are prepared to:

• Challenge what we take for granted and embrace change (Knowledge, Creativity, Innovation)

• Support the principles of equality and justice (Personal Integrity)

• Value diversity and humanity (Mutual Respect)

• Serve as ambassadors of sustainable and responsible living (Responsibility and Stewardship)

These fundamental values lay the basis and direction for the education offered by MODUL University Vienna. As a result, the university is renowned for the quality of its study programs, the high level of student satisfaction, the methodological competence of its faculty and graduates, and a rigorous commitment to innovation and sustainability as key drivers of success in a dynamic and knowledge-based society. 

History and Values


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